Your the owner of a coffee shop, your open 7 days a week and your making great money. However your trusty espresso machine is getting old and you need to invest in a new one. You have a nice steady income but not $20k+ for a new machine. You panic and take out a cash advance on your business credit card because the company you purchased your machine from does not accept credit cards or does not offer financing. Merchant cash advances always seem like a good idea when you need quick cash, but do you really know how much that machine is actually costing you in the long term. Emergency situations come up, don't be caught without a backup plan. Bookmark this page and the next time you need money, before reaching for your credit card, contact us to see other funding options. You will get an approval in one day and have the money in hand in three days. When you apply for funding you know the exact amount you will have to pay back before you even say yes. To see if you qualify click here
Robert & Kathleen LeMaireHow can we help your business? Archives
May 2022